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Ari Abruni's Distributes Flyers in Canadian Universities

Updated: 3 days ago

Ari Abruni from Canada, who first discovered the teachings of Abdullah Hashem through the Arrival series over a decade ago, recently demonstrated his commitment to the poster campaign by visiting his former university and student union campus. His goal was to invite radical and revolutionary students to the call of Aba Al-Sadiq, emphasizing the need for proactive engagement. Ari reminded attendees that personal transformation is essential for societal change, echoing the sentiment that God does not alter our circumstances until we first change what is within ourselves.

The mission aims to encourage youth to recognize that solutions exist by rallying behind effective leadership, which requires courage to confront the oppressive forces within government and mainstream religion. As highlighted in Isaiah 1:17,

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Despite being deeply moved by the Arrivals series, Ari initially struggled to accept that the Mahdi had appeared, despite his Shia background. He viewed Abdullah as a sincere and passionate seeker of truth, impressed by how Abdullah exposed the shortcomings of religious establishments and revealed truths hidden within scripture. However, he eventually returned to his worldly pursuits, focusing on training for an Olympic wrestling medal, which provided him with clarity and discipline amid the chaos of the world around him.

Ari became increasingly disillusioned with the academic system, perceiving it as biased and misleading. The revelations from the Arrivals series weighed heavily on his conscience, prompting him to confront the moral decay and corruption he observed in society and financial systems. He recalled the warnings of the Prophet Muhammad about the signs of the end times, noting a growing prevalence of religious ignorance and societal decay.

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, Ari found himself navigating a life that felt akin to a “citizen slave” in a matrix-like existence. He moved to Iraq, got married, and welcomed a son, all while grappling with his thoughts on life. The pandemic reignited his curiosity about the world’s power structures, leading him to question the motives of those in control. He began to explore the darker realities of societal manipulation and felt a growing disillusionment with the established order.

Ari reflected on his purpose amidst the chaos, contemplating what he would do if granted great wealth. He considered whether he would emulate the tyrants or dedicate himself to building community centers and shelters for the oppressed. He frequently questioned his and his brother's roles in a world riddled with injustice, feeling trapped in a system that perpetuated the very tyranny they sought to escape.

His awakening coincided with a broader realization that many others were also beginning to recognize the tyranny of the global establishment. During his exploration, he encountered revelations online regarding celebrities who had allegedly sold their souls and were tied to predetermined fates.

After October 7, 2023, Ari discovered Aba Sadiq on his YouTube feed and felt a compelling draw toward the teachings. An episode addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and responding to a Shia sheikh about the Ark of the Covenant solidified his conviction. This pivotal moment led Ari to continue exploring further episodes, affirming his commitment to the mission of change.

He has been engaging in missionary work in Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, Canada.


4 days ago

Mashaallah we need to do way more for the cause of Allah this is so beautiful 🤩 god bless you brother Ari. We need to keep supporting our father from him is peace


4 days ago

Way to go brother Ari! What a fascinating journey brother! It's great to have a bit more insight about you and your life brother. God bless your strong stance for the Qaim fhip and all humanity

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