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Believer Distributing Food to the Poor in Canada

Denis Nunez and his partner Stacey, driven by their own initiative and the core message of Dawah, are elevating their outreach efforts. The importance of the message from Aba Al-Sadiq, as articulated in his Sermon of Clarification, emphasizes that humanity must take precedence over race, nationality, borders, politics, personal inclinations, and even religion.

As Jesus proclaimed to his close followers, as recorded in the book of Luke 6:30-31: "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back."

This effort also echoes the actions of Imam Zainul Abideen, who would discreetly carry food at night for the poor and needy, seeking no recognition for his deeds, but rather acting solely for the pleasure of God.

Inspired by this divine principle, Denis and Stacey have been actively distributing food parcels, which they prepared themselves, to the neglected and ostracized members of their community—the homeless and those struggling to survive.

Denis and Stacey have encountered individuals in desperate situations, some moved to tears by their generosity in a world that often overlooks them. They also share a message of hope with these individuals, affirming that change is on the horizon and that the world savior, the Mahdi, is present. Aba Al-Sadiq embodies the same spirit of truth and light as Adam, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, and has come, as Jesus declared, to "preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound" (Isaiah 61).

3 comentarios

27 sept

woow!! Thank you brother! God bless you..

Me gusta

25 sept

God bless this beautiful couple and their sincere humanitarian efforts. Way to go guys!

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25 sept

God bless Humanity before religion being practically realised by this pure couple of ansars today.

Me gusta
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