The majority of the world lives under a capitalist economic system, where individuals are free to accumulate as much wealth, property, and resources as they desire or are able to. In the apparent, this system may appear fair, but in practice, it leads to the oppression of the majority.
When some people take far more than they need, many others are left without even a chance to afford the essentials for survival. This has created a system where only the strongest thrive, while the majority suffer, where one percent of the world population owns 95 percent of the wealth and resources and where 25,000 people per day die of starvation.
In 2024, almost 700 million people lived in extreme poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2.15 per day, while the world's richest man Elon Musk is on track to become a trillionaire by 2027.
As of April 2024, there were 2,781 billionaires in the world. This is a record high, with the combined wealth of these billionaires totaling $14.2 trillion. At the same time, according to Oxfam it would take $14 billion per year for the next 5 years to eradicate world hunger.
World hunger is something that could clearly easily be fixed if the richest people gave up even a fraction of their money to the poor. Every day they choose not to, thus they are responsible for the deaths of the 25,000 per day who die of starvation. If these ultra-wealthy people stopped taking more than their share of the wealth then there would clearly be enough for everyone to have what they needed.
Rich People are the People of Hellfire
When we listen to the words of the prophets and messengers it is clear that God is extremely unhappy with people hoarding money at the expense of others. The Qur'an states,
“And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment.” (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 9 (Al-Taubah), Verse 34)
When a rich man asked Jesus how he could inherit eternal life, Jesus responded to him that he must sell his possessions and give the money to the poor saying,
“How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (The Holy Bible, Book of Luke, Chapter 18, Verses 18-25)
And Imam Ali said,
“Allah ordained that the livelihood of the poor is in the wealth of the rich. Whenever a poor man is hungry it is because of what a rich man has enjoyed; and Allah will question them about it.” (Mizan Al-Hikmah, Mohammed Al-Reyshahri, Vol. 3, p. 2308)
Clearly God provided enough sustenance in order for everyone to have what they need to survive and so we cannot blame God that so many people are currently starving to death on this planet. If we see someone who is going without or someone who is starving that means that someone else took their share.
The reason that this level of injustice is allowed to take place is because the governments that are in power today allow it. They enable the rich to hoard so much money and they are allowing 25,000 people every day to die of starvation.
While this hoarding of wealth at the expense of others has become so normalised in our society, it is in complete opposition to the way that God wants us to live. We cannot believe in capitalism and at the same time believe in Jesus, Mohammed and the Prophets and Messengers.
State of Iblis vs State of God
The narrations from the Ahlul Bayt tell us that there are two states, one of God and one of the devil:
“God the Exalted made religion two states: the state of Adam, and it is the state of God, and the state of Iblis.”(Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 2, p. 372)
Capitalism is a system that allows individuals to generate unlimited wealth, even if it comes at the expense of others. It is a system of the devil and it is only possible in the state of the devil where the rulers appointed by the devil have control over humanity. The Goal of the Wise states that:
“Satan’s ideology, which must die, is ‘Me first.’ Selfishness, self-centeredness, focusing on the I, the ego, and its needs, not caring about anyone else but one’s own self.” (The Goal of the Wise, Aba Al-Sadiq, Door 32, p. 424)
The state that humanity was intended to live in is the state of God which is ruled by a caliph appointed by God. The Qur’an makes this clear when God states, “Verily I am appointing a caliph on the earth” (Qur’an 2:30). The prophets and messengers that forbade wealth hoarding were the caliphs who were appointed by God and it is clear that if we were to follow them, this level of wealth inequality and hoarding would have never been allowed to take place.
In a recent episode on the school of divine mysteries Aba Al-Sadiq revealed that since the time of Adam up until now the majority of the world has been living under the state of Iblis with rulers who are appointed by him.
The ones who are empowered in the state of Iblis-rich businessmen and the elite that are currently enjoying control over the world, the one percent who own 95 percent of the worlds wealth and resources, are the children of Iblis himself. They are the ones that Iblis has appointed over humanity.
What would we have in the State of God
Imam Ali said that,
“If poverty was a man I would have killed him.”
The capitalist system that is from the state of Iblis is something that would be abolished in the State of Adam. In the long awaited Kingdom of God which will be established under the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq money hoarding will be eradicated and the “Me First” and “Survival of the Strongest” ideologies will be abolished and replaced with the ideology of God and all of the prophets and messengers, which is Humanity First.
“The solution for humanity lies in the redistribution of wealth amongst all mankind. All of the excessive wealth of the rich should be confiscated and redistributed. The people who would object to this matter and prefer that tens of millions of people die every year and suffer in order that a small select group of elites live a life of luxury, are enemies to mankind and should be arrested and prosecuted for being accomplices to murder and mass genocide.” (The Goal of the Wise, Aba Al-Sadiq, Door 32, p. 431)
In the Book of Matthew Jesus tells us that the meek will inherit the earth and that time has finally arrived, as the Divine Just State will be established in our lifetime under the Qaim, Aba Al-Sadiq.
"The Riser/Qaim will be given what no one was given before him and he shall fill the Earth with justice and equity and light as it had been filled with injustice and oppression and evil.” (Kitab Al-Ghayba, Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 240-241)
The ones who were oppressed in the state of Satan are the ones who will be enabled in the Divine Just State. In the state which is ruled by God everyone has their share of sustenance and necessities provided to them and no one would go without, freeing people from the survival mode they are stuck in. People would have the freedom to enjoy life and work for the honour of supporting and upholding the Divine Just State. In the "Sermon of The Invitation of the Mahdi" to be part of God’s chosen people, the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq says that,
“If you follow me and obey me, I will make you the greatest of nations and the richest of them and the most prosperous. And you will go out to feed the poor but find none, and clothe the cold and find none, and go out to house the homeless and find none.”
Capitalism, built on greed and inequality, stands in direct opposition to God’s will. It enables the wealthy to hoard resources while millions suffer, contradicting the teachings of the prophets who called for justice and humanity, for wealth to be fairly distributed and ensuring that no one is left in poverty. The arrival of the Divine Just State will mark the end of exploitation and the beginning of a world where humanity is prioritized over profit.
The message of Jesus, Mohammed and all of the prophets and messengers has not changed and true justice will only be realized when we abandon the rulers appointed by Satan and we follow and obey the ruler who is appointed by God.
Excellent article, the world we are living in is the state of Satan. It's time for the masses to awaken to this fact amd stand up in the face of tyranny amd oppression.
Yes capitalism is horrible, yet the confiscation and redistribution of wealth is communism. Any system given by men will be the same as Iblis. I do not think replacing capitalism with communism is the way of Allah. Look at the religions, they all thrive and earn billions, and the so called leaders enjoy the benefits, while it is the poor who help support the religions. We are told by every religion and government that we need to wait for heaven for our blessings, its all apart of the system of control. Now in 2025 every country is moving from the far left to the far right, both ways are horrible and against Allah. We are heading in the direction that…
Great article! Capitalism is indeed the system of Iblis (May Allah curse him) it encourages hoarding and extreme poverty.
The system of satan is the system of the I and me first. We must stop this and go back to the He