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Distributing Food to the Poor in Denver

Writer's picture: James PollardJames Pollard

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

DENVER — Standing in a quiet park in Denver, Cypress, a recent convert to the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light (AROPL), reflects on his life’s transformation. Once adrift in a world he describes as filled with discontent and inequality, he now feels a renewed purpose: to spread the message of divine justice and unity in the heartlands of America.

“What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops”

Cypress explains why this calling resonates so deeply. He sees it as his duty to advocate for change in a world he believes is oppressed by elite tyranny and systemic injustice.

Cypress recalls how his disillusionment with the inequities he observed around him drove him to seek answers. “Everywhere we go, there’s unfairness, mistreatment of the majority by a small elite,” he says. His studies of scripture, including the Quran, confirmed to him that addressing these imbalances requires action, not complacency.

Cypress highlights Quranic teachings, such as Surah 49:9, which instruct believers to stand against oppression until justice is restored. He finds inspiration in these verses and draws parallels to historical lessons: the Iranian Revolution and the Arab Spring, both of which replaced one form of tyranny with another.

"Prophet Muhammad warned us that revolutions alone won’t solve the problem unless the leader is chosen by God," Cypress says. This realization led him to embrace the teachings of AROPL, which asserts that only a divinely appointed leader can guide humanity out of the cycle of injustice.

Through personal research, Cypress became convinced that Aba Al-Sadiq, leader of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, is that divinely chosen guide. He describes how the teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq brought clarity and purpose to his life. “He’s the one who can lead us, not for personal gain, but to bring fairness into a world torn by hate and greed,” Cypress says.

As a former Baptist, Cypress emphasizes the universal duty to support the divine mission in every era. “If we claim to support God’s prophets or messengers of the past, we must support the one chosen by God today. Otherwise, it’s hypocrisy,” he says.

Cypress’s transformation extends beyond intellectual conviction to deep emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Though he has never met Aba Al-Sadiq in person, Cypress views him as a father figure whose teachings have helped him rediscover his sense of self. “Before I found this call, I was lost. Now I have truth, love, and comfort,” he says.

He credits the AROPL community with fostering a spirit of kinship and selflessness. Inspired by their example, Cypress dreams of migrating to join the community’s headquarters, dedicating his life to the mission.

Cypress’s newfound faith is not confined to words. He has embarked on outreach work in Denver, distributing food parcels to the poor and deprived in his community. He sees this as a natural extension of the principles of justice and selflessness taught by the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light.

Cypress is unequivocal in his belief that humanity is on the brink of profound change. He encourages others to explore the teachings of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light with an open mind. “Even in our darkest hour, we must seek to find the light,” he says.

As he continues his work distributing flyers, speaking with neighbors, and delivering food parcels to those in need, Cypress hopes to inspire others to reflect on their own roles in building a just and peaceful world.

4 תגובות

06 בדצמ׳ 2024

God bless you brother for your efforts


06 בדצמ׳ 2024

Wow this is amazing work, so nice to see the believers working so hard in the name of God to support the divinely appointed Aba Sadiq.


06 בדצמ׳ 2024

Subhanallah so inspirational may Allah increase him continually ameen


06 בדצמ׳ 2024

God bless you and your family brother Cypress. Beautiful efforts. Denver is fortunate to have you there.

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