The 'Year of Unification' promised by Imam Mahdi brings together people into the religion of the one true absolute universal God from so many diverse backgrounds and cultures as a testament to the true religion in this era. It was indeed promised the Riser of Truth would appear at a time of great pandemics and natural disasters around the world.
Today who can doubt that we are poised on the brink of WW3? In the last century alone the world has faced two global wars, nuclear weapons that can destroy the earth, ongoing conflicts worldwide, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the crisis in the Middle East and the power vacuum in Syria and beyond and concerns over Taiwan and China, among other international global flashpoints.
Prophet Jesus made it abundantly clear,
“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” (Bible, Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, Verses 6-7)
A time clearly when atomic bombs like Nagasaki and Hiroshima would cause mass extinction and devastation as prophesied by Ahlul Bayt.
“And indeed the atom will burn the world.” (250 Signs until the Appearance of Imam Mahdi, Muhammad Ali Tabatabai, Sign 182, p. 161)
We further know from prophecy that the time of the Riser would be when many people die because of calamities, truly a flood of blood, as there are rivers of blood today.
Imam Jafar Sadiq declared: “Before the advent of the Riser two types of death will occur, the red death and the white death, the red death is from war and the white form plagues, five out of every seven people will die.” (Kamal al-din wa tamam al-niʿma, Al-Shaikh Al-Saduq, Part 2, p. 655)
Based on the estimates of a ratio of 5 out of 7 people, this means 5 billion people will die according to this narrative alone. The “white death" alludes to pestilence and pandemics, while the "red death" refers to wars.
This is clearly the time that Prophet Mohammed promised, when there would be mass railway transportation and aircraft travel.
“The iron will fly in the air and iron will walk on iron.” (250 Signs until the Appearance of Imam Mahdi, Muhammad Ali Tabatabai, Sign 142, p. 163)
Imam Ali Ridha, the eighth holy Imam declared: “Before this matter (Rise of the Riser) is Bayooh, I did not know what this word meant, then I went to perform pilgrimage and heard a bedouin say: This day is Bayool. So I said: What does it mean? He said: Extremely hot.” (Kitab Al-Ghayba, Al-Numani, Part. 1, p. 277)
Today, we realise that many so-called temperate lands have experienced extreme summer droughts, causing the infirm and weak to die prematurely. NASA has confirmed that Earth's temperatures have increased by an average of more than 1 degree Celsius since 1880, with the majority of this warming occurring since 1975, leading to a significant rise in global temperatures and the melting of North Pole ice caps.
Imam Ali clarified further: “When the Qa’im’s emergence shall draw near, red and white deaths will appear. There will be locusts during their season and off-season, the color of blood. Red death refers to the sword and white death refers to plague.” (Al-Mahdi, Book 7, Sayyid Sadruddin Sadr)
Today, there are headlines from Kenya and beyond, in areas not usually facing such attacks, with swaths of locusts filling the skies in Mexico, leaving people fearing that Armageddon is nearby, truly reminiscent of one of the great plagues of Exodus.
“Lighting and thunder will increase when the hour approaches so much that a man would ask, ‘Who was struck this morning?’ So they would say, ‘so and so.’” (250 signs until the Appearance of Imam Mahdi, Muhammad Ali Tabatabai, p. 162, Sign 185)
An article from a Nature Communications Journal in Feb 2023 has confirmed a 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature leading to a 10% increase in the most incendiary of Promethean lightning bolts. Whilst also, in Feb 2022, warm temperatures drove up the rate of flashes increasing the risk of more wildfires, and Forest fires in USA and Australia recently have occurred. In the UK the risk of wildfires increased 6-fold as a result of the increasing temperatures.
“The hour will not begin until many earthquakes occur.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Al-Bukhari, Book of Invoking Allah for Rain, Hadith 1036)
“Earthquakes will appear in diverse places.” (Bible, Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, Verse 7)
From 1900 to 1950, the earth experienced an average of 3.4 powerful earthquakes annually, with magnitudes exceeding 6.5. This frequency increased significantly in later decades. Between 1950 and the early 1970s, the average number of such earthquakes doubled to 6.7 per year. The trend continued to escalate, and by the 2000s, the frequency had grown to nearly five times the original rate observed in the first half of the 20th century.
It is at such a time that the Mahdi was prophesied to come forward, as this is exactly the promise that you have been waiting for that has today been fulfilled. What is the hour other than the appearance and ultimately the emergence of the awaited Mahdi and saviour of mankind?
Prophet Mohammed clarified, “The Hour will not come until time passes so quickly that a year will be like a month a month like a week week like a day a day like an hour.” (Jami`at-Tirmidhi, Book 36, Hadith 2332)
Even people with no religion today will accept this is the case when they contemplate the speed at which time is evolving so rapidly. It is these critical issues that will precipitate the emergence of the Riser of Truth, and on the back of the pestilence and pandemic, it makes absolute sense to the believers and truth seekers why this would be in these current times.
One brother who recognized these proofs clearly, proving that now is the time for salvation to be at hand and to seek out the messenger of God, and realized he must embrace the call by any means necessary, is Ali Sultan from the United States. We took some time to discuss his journey to the call of Aba Al-Sadiq for DJS Magazine.

What is your culture and religious background?
I come from Kurdistan, and a Sunni background.
What led you to seek another path or way?
Before I joined the Ahmadi Peace and Light religion I left all of these groups and sects, because that's what our Prophet commands us to do if there is no Imam or group for the nation.
What tribulations did you experience in your life seeking truth and what challenges from detractors?
They were calling me a disbeliever, a liar, stupid, and a magician when I was replying to them with Quranic verses or hadiths.
How you came to the faith and discovered it all, what convinced you of the call?
The will, the treachery of the companions of Muhammad toward his family and the Imams, and listening to a knowledgeable man like Aba Al-Sadiq and learning from him.
Have you had any dreams or visions or synchronicities?
Yes I saw Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan welcoming me and telling me to keep going on this journey, others were welcoming me and waiting for me.
What have you done since finding the call?
I have been trying to tell people all around and going live on social media platforms to share the information and give a pledge of allegiance to Allah and Aba Al-Sadiq and the Imams.
How was the reaction of family and friends and work colleagues?
They think I have lost my mind and I became crazy and a disbeliever. Prophet Hermes made it clear that in the end times, the believers will be judged to be insane for following the path of peace and light:
“Every sacred voice will be silenced. Darkness will be preferred to light, and no eyes will look up to heaven. The pure will be thought insane, and the impure will be honoured as wise. The madman will be believed brave, and the wicked esteemed as good. Knowledge of the immortal soul will be laughed at and denied. No reverent words worthy of heaven will be heard or believed.” (The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs, Hermes)
How have you focused on spreading posters and what are your long term intentions?
Yes continuously, and my intention is to serve Aba Al-Sadiq and elevate myself with the messengers and prophets, God willing, and die for this path.
Have you tried to help in any other unique way?
I have tried to go in front of the mosques to preach and to join the Riser, Aba Al-Sadiq’s community to serve them with my heart, actions and soul.
How is the reaction to the call by local Islamists and the government and other authorities and family members and friends?
They clearly don't support our call and they hate it and they go against it.
Ali Sultan, through his journey of faith, left behind his former creed and nation in order to find the Imam of his time, who represents a universal call to truth. After discovering the truth, Ali has already begun to work hard on social media and beyond to become an active participant in exposing the falsehood and tyranny and helping to establish the vision of the Utopian state by guiding others to see the light of truth.
“But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (Bible, Book of James, Chapter 2, Verse 18)
Plato recognised that such an ideal state is one in which a group of people gather together and settle in one place, people who have various different requirements, and who are placed in their rightful positions. This is true justice: to know which people are supposed to function as warriors, craftsmen or artisans and guardians. The only one fit to recognise these distinctions and to rule over them all in harmony and justice is the one chosen by the supreme God, known as the philosopher king, Aba Al-Sadiq today. He is the one who can unify us all. We commend Ali for recognising this fact and working hard to guide others as well to this divine call.