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Missionary Work in Zambia

Updated: 5 days ago

The Mahdi has Appeared Satellite channel has recently started to beam to Africa into the homes of millions of people across the continent. At the same time In Zambia, in the heartlands of Africa, Jafary Chandra, is now working hard to establish a boarding school and community center, for up to 15 students to educate them in the principles and call of Aba Al-Sadiq, fhip.

A former farmer and Islamic Imam of a local masjid, Jafary has embraced the faith based on the powerful knowledge of Aba Al-Sadiq, fhip, who he perceives as the only true Islamic scholar of our age. The announcement of Abdullah, Aba Al-Sadiq, fhip, as mentioned in the holy will of Prophet Mohammed, pbuh, was the seal of the proof for brother Jafary. He now wants to dedicate his life to the divine mission, and the school is basing its religious curriculum fundamentally on the teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq, fhip, and Ahmed Al-Hassan, fhip, the true concept of Monotheism, and seven covenants of God. The vision of Jafary is to foster the development of enthusiastic and dedicated missionaries of God who can likewise spread the call across the continent. He is also currently working hard with the UK headquarters of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light to establish the first active Masjid of the religion in Zambia, Africa.

1 comentario

a day ago

God bless you and your efforts brother Jafary! May Allah multiply the rewards of your efforts and increase the harvest

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