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Pakistani Follower’s Spread Flyers in Mosques

Writer's picture: James PollardJames Pollard

In a country gripped by political turmoil, media censorship, and religious oppression, the call of Imam Mahdi is quietly finding its way into the hearts of those seeking truth. The teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq, known as the Riser of Ale Mohammed, have sparked a movement through the Mahdi Has Appeared YouTube channel. These messages have resonated deeply with individuals worldwide, including recent converts in Pakistan who, despite the dangers, have undertaken the mission to spread this divine call in innovative ways.

Tahir Abbas Bishop of Pakistan
Tahir Abbas, Bishop of Pakistan

This Pakistani follower, who asked to stay anonymous for safety reasons, operate under significant risk, navigating a landscape dominated by Salafi and Wahhabi extremists and authoritarian political regimes that tolerate no dissent. Mass incarcerations, targeted killings, and propaganda-fueled narratives define the lives of those who challenge the mainstream religious and political orthodoxy.

To avoid detection, this follower employs a subtle yet impactful strategy: visiting mosques and local religious centers to discreetly place leaflets about the Mahdi’s call inside copies of the Quran. This effort is aimed at reaching kind-hearted, God-seeking individuals who may not realize that their reading of the Quran is incomplete without allegiance to the living Imam of their time.

Their hope is to awaken these individuals to the reality that many of their leaders—scholars and clerics who claim to speak in the name of God—are in fact leading them astray. These self-proclaimed messengers have twisted the teachings of the Quran, reducing Islam to mere rituals devoid of meaning and steering the faithful away from its true essence.

The plight of contemporary Islam was foreseen:

“There will come a time upon my nation when nothing will remain of the Quran except its inscription, and nothing will remain of Islam except its name. They are named by it, but they are the farthest people from it. Their mosques will be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance. Their scholars of that time will be the worst scholars under the sky; fitna will come from them and to them it shall return.”

By adhering to scholars who reinterpret the Quran to serve their interests, the faithful risk becoming like the blind led by the blind—both destined for disaster. As the Quran warns:

“Who does greater wrong than he who invents a lie concerning Allah or denies Our tokens? Their appointed portion of the Book reaches them until, when Our messengers come to gather them, they say: Where now is that to which you cried beside Allah? They say: They have departed from us. And they testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.” — Quran, 7:37

The anonymous follower believes that salvation lies only in recognizing and following the living Imam, the one divinely guided to interpret the Quran as the living book. Only he, inspired by the spirit of God, can restore its true meaning and lead humanity away from the ignorance and misguidance of corrupt scholars.

The Quran speaks to this:

 “We have encompassed everything in an Imami Mubin (a manifest or clear Imam).” — Quran, 36:12

By acknowledging the Imam of the time, the sincere can escape a fate “worse than death” and avoid the “death of ignorance” as foretold by the Prophet Mohammed.

This call is not merely a return to the Quran but a renewal of Islam itself. It brings with it a new book, a new jurisprudence, and a new matter. This is the final and seventh covenant, challenging those who cling to outdated rituals and interpretations that have become chains rather than pathways to God.

The Quran reassures the faithful:

 “So be patient, for the promise of Allah certainly is true. And do not be disturbed by those who have no sure faith.”— Quran, 30:60

In this awakening age of truth and justice, the Riser seeks to release the sincere from these chains, guiding them toward spiritual enlightenment and a renewed understanding of God’s supremacy.

For those willing to recognize this divine messenger and cling to his guidance, the promise of salvation stands within reach.


Dec 11, 2024

God bless the brave and sincere ansar of Allah


Dec 11, 2024

May Allah keep him protected and shielded from the enemies of Muhammad and his family


Dec 11, 2024

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