In a powerful and controversial lecture, a complete dismantling of contemporary religious leadership is sending shockwaves through the Islamic world. Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem dismantled the credibility of mainstream scholar Mahdi Al-Morshed, accusing him and other scholars, such as Sistani, of leading the faithful astray as foretold in Islamic eschatology.
Drawing on prophetic narrations (Hadith), the Riser warned that during the end times, the greatest enemies of truth would not be external forces but misguided scholars.
"The Messenger of Allah also said about them: 'There will come a time upon my nation when nothing will remain from the Qur’an except its calligraphy, and nothing will remain from Islam except its name. They will be called by it, while they are the farthest people from it. Their Masjids will be full, but devoid of guidance. The scholars of that time are the worst scholars under the sky. From them the fitnas emerged, and to them it shall return.'"— Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52
These figures, he proved, distort religion for political and personal gain, standing in direct opposition to the prophesied Mahdi’s mission to restore justice. He highlighted their allegiance to power over God, drawing historical parallels where leaders rejected divine guidance for self-interest.
The lecture delivered a clear message: blind trust in scholars like Mahdi Al-Morshed, Sistani, or Khamenei risks betraying the very essence of Islam. Aba Al-Sadiq urged the faithful to return to the foundational teachings of Prophet Muhammad and to scrutinize modern religious authorities who have strayed from these principles.
Aba Al-Sadiq's challenging stance has led to many Shia extremist threatening the members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. Even in the UK - where hatespeech is a criminal offense.
A Threat of Terrorism Against the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in the UK
Syed Ali Akhbari, a Shia Twelver public speaker affiliated with the Youtube Channel Bayat Al-Ghadeer, issued a direct threat against our headquarters in the UK. Bayat Al-Ghadeer, an organization based in London, operates a prominent YouTube channel and has connections to figures such as Ammar Nakshawani and Yasser Al-Habib.
In a recorded TikTok session, captured by a believer under the nickname "Son of Nun," Akhbari issued chilling threats:
"When 75 Shias Rafida, 12ver, turn up to their centers with Tatbis (swords) and Zinjirs (chains), these guys are going to be hiding in the basement of the centers. And if they're not going to catch them in the centers, they'll catch them from their homes. Because these details are not difficult to find. ... Actually, Aba Sadiq's the one who's going to get grabbed first. He's the first one, the one who insulted—uh, publicly insulted—Syed Sistani. We'll find out, we'll find out."
He continued:
"But mark my words, when 75 Rafida, just like when we turned up into the Sunni mosque in Birmingham. When 75 Rafida turn up to your centers with Tatbis (words) and Zinjeers (chainsn), and you hear those chains, like the chains you hear on the 10th of Ashura when the Rafida turn out to your centers, then we'll see Aba Sadiq. We'll see what type of Aba Sadiq he is when he's dragged like a frog, when his beanie hat's knocked out, and, Inshallah, one of the brothers would bring a machine and trim his hair off as well. He’d give him a nice skin fade."
Such threats highlight the hostility and violence aimed at the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. These actions reflect the wider network of hostility fueled by Bayat Al-Ghadeer and its associates, who resort to incitement and intimidation rather than meaningful dialogue.
This is all propaganda
لعنت خدا بر علمای اخرزمان همانطور ک اهل بیت فرمودند شرورترین خلق در زیر اسمان شهر علما هستند فتنه از انها خارج میشود و ب انها باز میگردد
Exposing the Danger of Extremism: A Threat to Public Safety
As members of a peaceful group dedicated to coexistence and mutual respect, we are deeply alarmed by the recent threats made by individuals associated with the extremist group Bayat Al-Ghadeer. These individuals have openly called for violence against us, solely due to our differing beliefs.
Their recent statements, brazenly inciting violence with threats of using chains and knives, expose the brutal and dangerous nature of their ideology. Such rhetoric is nothing but a blatant promotion of extremism and a direct threat to public safety.
This behaviour does not only endanger our community but poses a serious risk to the safety of the wider British society. If such individuals are allowed…
He should be tried for his hateful and false words about the living proof of God. It is true that he is also a little devil, but we, as the followers of the Qa'im of the family of Muhammad, will not allow any impure person to insult our Lord and Master and he allows himself to mislead people even more with false words.
They go against God, and against humanity. The most evil creatures under the sky.