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The Shia Terrorist Threatening to Cut Off Our Heads

Writer's picture: Husam AlHakimHusam AlHakim

Updated: Jan 2

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is an officially recognized religion on the world-stage. We are widely acknowledged as a persecuted faith due to our beliefs. This is due to one of our missions being to expose tyrannical forces, like the Islamic clerics, that through their religious decrees cause immense suffering: hunger, wars, human trafficking, torture, imprisonment, and the coercion of individuals into prostitution or drug dealing. Their actions undermine the principles of peace, tolerance, and coexistence that our religion advocates.

The so-called Islamic scholars also seek to annihilate and discriminate against entire communities due to their differing religious beliefs, even though freedom of religion is an essential right granted not by any government entity, but by God Himself, as stated in the Holy Quran:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces the Tyrant and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (2:256)


"If We willed, We could send down upon them a ˹compelling˺ sign from the heavens, leaving their necks bent in ˹utter˺ submission to it." (26:4)

Despite the clear Quranic verses regarding freedom of religion, many religious scholars and their followers often fail to adhere to this principle. Instead they resort to threats of violence against those who challenge or question their authority. We have unfortunately witnessed, all too often, scholars and their followers engaging in behaviour that contradicts the teachings they claim to represent.

Exposing Sheikh Abu Hasan Al-Maliki 

During a live broadcast on our Arabic TV channel, The Mahdi Has Appeared, a widely recognized and reputable channel with a broad reach in the Middle East, the presenters received a call from Sheikh Abu Hasan Al-Maliki from Iraq, who claimed to be a research professor at the Academic Hawza. The sheikh engaged in a heated discussion on a very sensitive topic, the Mahdi. During this conversation, Sheikh Abu Hasan made a startling comment:

“You are saying that the religious scholars will fight Imam Mahdi. Let me tell you this: if the Mahdi comes out now, if he rises and wishes to fight the Marjas (clergy), by Allah, we will fight him… And I’m the first to fight him.”

The statement was shocking to all of us. In the Shia belief system, the Mahdi is an infallible leader who makes no mistakes. He holds a higher rank than all the prophets and messengers who came before him, with the exception of the 12 Imams and the Prophet Muhammad. How can the scholars now be considered more important than the Mahdi himself? And how can so-called Shia claim that they will oppose and fight the savior of Islam, the very figure who is a pillar of their beliefs?

Exposing Sistani and his Followers

Shortly after this event, one of the non-working scholars released a public video attacking Aba Al-Sadiq and our religion on a Q&A YouTube channel with over 1.4 million subscribers. For a more detailed analysis of this event, you can refer to the article I wrote on the incident, which is available here.

In response to these baseless accusations, Aba Al-Sadiq released a video addressing the false allegations and exposing the corruption among these scholars. He highlighted how they are stealing the sustenance of the people in Iraq, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. He also exposed their distorted interpretation of religion, which falsely claims that Khomeini was a prophesied figure, Khamenei is the Khurasani mentioned in the narrations, and Hasan Nasrallah was the Yamani. You can watch the video response in its entirety here.

Following the release of the video, we received a barrage of online attacks from Shia followers of Sistani and Khamenei. These attacks included death threats and insults, which are unfortunately typical of followers of the clergy.

On December 18, 2024, Sheikh Abu Hasan Al-Maliki made a second call to our Arabic TV channel, during which he issued a death threat against our TV presenter, Aba Muhammed. Aba Muhammed has been a voice for the poor and needy in Iraq and is widely respected by many educated individuals in the Middle East. The caller threatened,

“Keep it in your mind, by Allah, I swear by Allah, I swear by Allah, I swear by Allah, If you were in Iraq we would kill you.”

Following this, another caller contacted our Abdal Al-Sham show on the TV channel The Mahdi Has Appeared and made the following remarks:

“With you is a man who is from the followers of the Mahdi, may Allah hasten his relief. I’m here to give you glad tidings that we will cut off your heads… you women, who’s talking now.”

Amer, one of the presenters, asked him,

“Ok fine, why do you want to cut our heads?” 

The caller continued,

“Because you are talking about the Imam, and you are talking about religion and knowledge, while you are very far from knowledge, and your job is only spreading corruption, and filth.”

Amer said,

“Ok fine, hear me out, let’s have a discussion. You want to cut our heads, you said you will cut our heads, what is the sin that we committed? We are calling to the supremacy of Allah, and to Imam Mahdi (pbuh), does this make it your duty to cut my head?”

The caller said,

“You speak against Sayed Ali Al-Sistani and say that Imam Mahdi is present.”

As is clear from the interactions, representatives of the Shia school, including the caller who stated he would fight the Mahdi if he stood against the Shia clergy, reveals the deep corruption within this school and many of its followers. The conversation between brother Amer and the caller exposes the dishonesty, ruthlessness, and lack of humanity. 

Similarly, many followers are willing to resort to extreme violence, including decapitation, simply for the sake of silencing those who expose the corruption of their leaders. Instead of holding their scholars accountable for these transgressions, they are prepared to die in their defense and commit acts of violence to protect them. As long as these non-religious scholars continue to influence and spread their hateful and violent ideas through their platforms, acts of violence and intolerance are likely to continue. 

It is astounding that followers of Sistani and Khamenei see firsthand the evil and wrongs perpetrated by these scholars in their cities: the operation of prostitution rings, permitting the sexual exploitation of young girls as young as nine under the guise of temporary (Mut’a) marriage, and the abuse of needy and believing sisters. They observe the elderly, men, women, and children suffering and sleeping on the streets of Iraq. They witness their own Muslim brothers and sisters, fellow Iraqis, struggling for basic necessities like food and clean water. And yet, they still take such stances to protect the scholars? 

And all of this occurs while this corrupt and non-religious school of Shia Islam receives substantial finances on a daily basis and hosts millions of pilgrims during events such as the Arba’een pilgrimage.

This contradiction highlights a deep issue within the Shia community, where the influence of scholars outweighs the need to care for the vulnerable. The corruption and exploitation, especially in terms of temporary marriages that can be used to justify sexual exploitation, emphasize the need for total reform of a system that has failed its people by allowing such abuses and corrupt practices to continue.

The fact that the followers of these religious leaders ignore these crimes in favor of loyalty to their scholars raises serious questions about both the scholars' role in causing suffering and corruption, and the moral compass of their followers who protect them.

For those without a voice, we demand the rights of free speech and the right to hold those corrupt individuals who masquerade as representatives of the Prophet Mohammed. We demand accountability for the millions murdered in senseless wars, as well as for the curable diseases, poverty, hunger, that affect countless men, women, and children. The Shia scholars must be held accountable for the exploitation in the practice of temporary marriage (Mu'ta), which has harmed countless young girls and shackled our vulnerable sisters. The cause of this issue lies with the same scholars who have created the environment that forces these individuals into such degrading and humiliating circumstances. For them, we demand what you preach: generosity, kindness, justice and humanity. 

We demand this in the name of Imam Mahdi.


Jan 01

Absolutely horrendous and disgraceful this is the kind of behaviour and attitude that makes people hate islam and how people see so much curruption in islam that is portrayed by these non working scholars. Im so glad i dont follow this so called islam, this is not a peaceful religion at all. I have found the true peaceful religion here with Aba Al Sadiq


Dec 26, 2024

These people crave power. They do not submit to the God (SAW), instead they want the masses to submit to them. We will stand strong.


Dec 25, 2024

We see the fulfillment of Prophecy taking place as we speak....The Prophet (pbuhaf) and the holy Imams of his Ahlul-Bayt spoke about the End Times scholars about them being the most evil of creation under the skies, and we see why they were described as such.

The Mahdi (fhip) is now present and these deviant scholars are aware he is, they now threaten with violence the very guide Allah has appionted as his vicegerent (pbuh). The end of their tyrannical reign is on the horizon...People need to wake up and support the Mahdi.


Dec 25, 2024

How could they say these things? How could they do these actions? May Allah swt guide them


Dec 24, 2024

Excellent article. It seems the so called Shias and Sunnis are in a competition to see who is most bloodthirsty. The only solutions seem to be violence and democracy for them. We are so fortunate to recognize and accept the Qaim of the Family of Mohammad sawas

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