In this exclusive interview, Ulises Vergara, a psychology graduate, teacher, and coach, shares his personal spiritual journey and his experience teaching young people the values of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. Currently based in Belgium, Ulises has been teaching and spreading spiritual values for over 25 years, adapting his methods to the needs of children and young adults. Below is a conversation about his experiences and insights.
Q: What is your religious journey and how did you discover the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light?
Ulises Vergara:
My name is Ulises Vergara, and I am 50 years old. My journey begins in Chile, where I was born during a horrific civil war. My parents were communists and revolutionaries, and by 1981, I had to flee my country. Until then, my life was non-religious, and the presence of God never crossed my mind. That changed when I was around 15 or 16, during the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The collapse of the communist, non-religious education system I had grown up with pushed me to search for a deeper truth. I began exploring Far Eastern religions like Shinto and Buddhism, as well as the three major Abrahamic religions. However, Islam didn’t interest me much at first, as I didn’t understand certain aspects of its texts.
At 18, I spoke to the heavens, saying, "You don’t exist. If you do, talk to me." A few months later, while on vacation, I woke up one morning, and my tongue started speaking on its own. It said: "Look at this sky, what created the sun, the sea, the mountains? This country looks like a paradise." Then it continued, "When you return from vacation, you will convert to Islam." Although surprised, I wasn’t afraid and felt a serene peace. I followed this guidance and converted to Islam. From that moment, I began a deep search, studying and exploring more.
Since then, I immersed myself in religious texts, and last year, I came across TikTok videos from French-speaking brothers talking about the Mahdi. I downloaded The Goal of the Wise and after just a few weeks, I recited my testimony of faith and embraced the call fully.
Q: What made you try to teach young children the merits of this call?
I have a degree in psychology, specializing in crime and delinquency sciences. Before I even knew about this call, I was already preaching—on the streets, in associations, and at Belgian institutions. Eventually I realized that spiritual awareness can help children in their daily life's. Their parents agree and see a positive development.
Q: Do you think certain ages are more receptive to the religious values?
There is a language for every age. Prophet Muhammad taught children like Ali, who was only 9, as well as people in their 60s and 70s. He always adapted his language to fit his audience. Everyone is capable of receiving a message that is suited to their capacity for understanding.
Q: How do you use the knowledge of Qaim and adapt it to the ears of younger people?
I adapt it thanks to my background in psychology, which helps me understand the needs of young people. Teaching is a natural process, and I draw inspiration from the pedagogy of the Qaim, using themes like the Supremacy of God and explaining them through stories, such as the story of Moses. I make simple parallels that children can understand. For example, I engage them in activities like coloring or games that help them identify with the characters in these stories.
Q: Do you use parables to make the connection with their daily lives?
Yes, it’s almost essential. However, classic parables, like La Fontaine’s fables, might seem outdated to today’s children. I rely on modern references, such as manga. I talk to them about characters like Naruto or One Piece, who convey moral lessons that fit into their universe.
Q: Do you think it makes a difference if children come from a secular or religious background?
Yes, absolutely. However, every child has a nature (fitra), an internal breath, a kind of spiritual GPS that guides them towards God, whether they realize it or not.
Q: Can you tell us about your experience in teaching and coaching children and adults?
I’ve been teaching for 25 years in schools in Belgium. At first, I worked with adults and adolescents, but I soon realized that many of them were already set in their ways, shaped by old traditions and a rigid interpretation of Islam. Fate led me to teaching children aged 6 to 14, and I draw a lot of inspiration from the pedagogy of the Qaim. I use his teachings, both verbal and non-verbal, and adapt them to the children’s levels of understanding. I also recognize the power of imagery, as children’s minds are often filled with unblessed images.
Through my work with children, I often find myself speaking with their parents. These conversations can sometimes be intense and contradictory, yet they allow for meaningful dialogue. Despite some considering me somewhat "different", the parents have entrusted their children to my classes for years.
After teaching, I also work as a coach. Many of my clients are non-Muslims, and in those sessions, I shift from being the religious teacher to a philosopher coach. We often engage in deep debates about the existence and meaning of life. These clients are typically educated and affluent, and I draw from a variety of philosophical traditions, including Socrates, Aristotle, and Buddhism, to guide them towards
seeking truth.
Sehr schön. Das sind Heldentaten. Möge Gott dich schützen
Magnifique message! Belle image représentative de cette religion axée sur l ouverture d esprit l amour la tolérance et la volonté d élever les enfants à leur juste valeur qui est la pureté l innocence et le futur. Bravo Ulises pour ta démarche ton travail et ton amour en ton prochain. Que Dieu te bénisse ainsi que ta famille
Esto es una gran oportunidad para conocer la verdad y materializar el estado de justicia divina en la tierra como en el cielo.
Extremadamente necesario
Para toda la humanidad
Y llenar la tierra de justicia al igual que fue llenada de tiranía
Muchas gracias a todo el equipo
Que hace esto posible
Y gracias a Dios y a su enviado
Divinamente designado
El imam Abdullah Hashem Aba Al Sadqi as.
La paz y las bendiciones y la misericordia de Dios estén con todos ustedes
Maşallah Qardaş Allah sizləri qorusun gözəl təşəbbüsdür👍
Respect to you my great brother! Amazing work. Allah Akbar