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The Supremacy of Allah: Divine Authority or Human Rebellion

Writer's picture: Joseph Dean McGowenJoseph Dean McGowen

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Supremacy of God

Few narratives captivate like those of divine authority and human defiance. Across the ages and various religious traditions, we encounter the theme of God's supreme authority and humanity's recurring rejection of His divine will. Stories from sacred texts in the Abrahamic religions, such as the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran — remind us of the profound consequences of choosing human desire over divine command.

One of the earliest and most vivid examples of rebellion against divine authority is the story of Iblis or Satan in Islamic tradition. This story depicts Satan as a being of immense knowledge and worship, who reached the highest ranks with Allah, but through his pride and arrogance, he refused a direct command to prostrate before Adam. 

Allah stated, "And [mention, O’ Muḥammad], when your Lord said to the angels, 'Indeed, I am making a Caliph upon the Earth.' They said, 'Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we exalt You with praise and declare Your perfection?' He [Allāh] said, 'Indeed, I know that which you do not know.'" (Quran 2:30).

Satan’s refusal exposed his arrogance and his defiance against God's appointed ruler, Adam. His statement, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay” (Quran 7:12), underscores his pride and his belief in his superiority over Adam and more importantly, his disagreement and rejection of God’s Will and His appointed ruler over the Earth. 

Quite simply, Iblis saw himself as a more powerful being and more fit to rule. As a result of his disobedience, Satan was cast out of heaven and cursed until the Day of Judgment, or more specifically, “Yohm al Qiyama” or “the Day of the Qiam”, the Day of the Rise. The Ahlul Bayt interpreted this to mean the “Day of the Qaim”, who is the messianic figure known as the Riser from the Family of Muhammad, who will return in the end times.

Satan’s expulsion marks the beginning of a cosmic conflict between divine command and created will, illustrating the severe repercussions of defying God’s supreme authority, and thus the war between the sons of Cain and the sons of Adam began.

The Bloodline War between the Canaanites and Adamites

The theme of rebellion against divine authority is further highlighted in the story of Cain and Abel. In the Torah, Bible, and Quran, Cain’s murder of his brother Abel marks the first human act of defiance against God's will. Like his father, Satan, Cain's jealousy and refusal to accept God's preference for Abel's sacrifice, eventually led him to commit the first murder. 

This act set a precedent for human rebellion against divine decrees and established a bloodline war between the descendants of Cain, known as the Canaanites, and the descendants of Adam, referred to as the Adamites.

Throughout history, this bloodline war symbolizes the ongoing conflict between those who reject divine authority and those who uphold it. 

The Canaanites, representing those who defy God's laws, have always been much stronger in numbers and in weaponry, and in knowledge of building and other crafts, because the blood of Satan runs through them. 

The Canaanites have always clashed with the Adamites, who are much smaller in number and who symbolize the faithful followers of God’s divine will and authority, submitting to and supporting the Messenger appointed by God in every time, mostly in secret.

Abi Abdullah (From Him is Peace) said: “Verily Cain approached Seth and said to him: “My father gave you from the knowledge that he had, and I was older than you and had more of a right to this knowledge than you, but because I murdered his son, he became angry with me and preferred you with this knowledge over me. I swear by God, if you mention anything from the knowledge which you have inherited from your father in order that you show off in front of me and act like you are better, I shall kill you as I killed your brother.”

Through these narrations, you can see how the pride, envy and love of power or rulership, flowed through the veins of Cain, because he had the same blood and traits of his father, the devil. And this blood flowed down from generation to generation, where the Canaanites continued carrying out the desires of Satan; filling the earth with injustice and inequity.

This is not some fairytale or history lesson, the Canaanites and Adamites are still at war today. The sons of Cain have set up positions of power all throughout the Earth in every sector of power you can imagine; from military, government, economics, technology, education, infrastructure, health and religion. These rulers and minions of Iblis are the ones who have helped establish the rulership and supremacy of the people on Earth today, which is actually the rulership and supremacy of Iblis or Satan. They have literally usurped the throne of God on Earth.

God Appoints the Ruler, NOT Man

God appoints a messenger and hujjah in every time to help guide the people back to the Supremacy of Allah and to help His Messenger establish the rulership and Kingdom of God on Earth, and that is why the Ahlul Bayt have said, “Those who die without knowing the Imam of the time have died the death of ignorance.” Nothing of the apparent prayers and works matter for a person, if they do not have a pledge of allegiance to God’s appointed ruler in that time. God always ensures that people can identify this hujjah or messenger through the line of successorship, which is either mentioned on the tongue of the previous prophet or through a written will. 

For example, Joshua’s appointment by Moses in Numbers 27:18-20:

"So the Lord said to Moses, 'Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him. Have him stand before Eleazar the priest and the entire assembly and commission him in their presence. Give him some of your authority so the whole Israelite community will obey him.'"

One of the most famous examples was that of Ghadeer Khum, when the prophet Muhammad held up the hand of his then cousin and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib and said:

"For whoever I am his Mawla (master, leader), Ali is his Mawla. O Allah, befriend those who befriend him, and be the enemy of those who oppose him."

However, people of every time, due to their various desires reject and fight the Messenger or Imam of their time, because they are the sons of Cain and believe they are better, more knowledgable, more powerful and more suited for rulership, just like their father, the devil. They choose the rulership and supremacy of the people or satan, over the rulership and supremacy of Allah.

Jesus Christ faced the same opposition from the evil pharisees and rabbis and he rebuked them by saying:

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." - John 8:44

This struggle highlights the constant battle between submission to God's supremacy and the human desire for self-rule.

One day Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan, the promised Yamani from the Ahlul Bayt was asked, “Why do the majority of people follow falsehood”?

The Imam responded: “Because they love falsehood and because it’s going along with their desires, and because most of them hate the truth.”

In the Holy Quran, in the chapter “The Cattle” it says,

“If you follow the majority of people on earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God, for they follow only conjecture and surmise.” - Holy Quran 6:116

The Israelites’ Rejection of Divine Authority

The Israelites’ request for a king, as narrated in the Torah, presents another example of rejecting divine authority. Dissatisfied with the leadership of the Prophet Samuel's sons, the Israelites demanded a king to rule over them, desiring to be like other nations. In 1 Samuel 8:1-22, despite Samuel's warnings about the dangers of such a request, the Israelites persisted with Prophet Samuel. God allowed them to have a king, but warned of the severe consequences that would follow. The Israelites’ choice is depicted as a rejection of God's kingship, as stated, "they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.” (1 Samuel 8:7)

Despite Samuel’s dire warnings about the dangers of earthly kings, the Israelites were resolute in their demand. They chose Saul as their king, a decision that led to significant consequences. Saul, who was initially chosen as a leader, eventually became corrupted and filled with envy towards God's true anointed, Prophet David. Saul’s descent into madness, literal possession of a great demon and his unwillingness to submit to God’s appointment, eventually led to his ruthless campaign against David where he was trying to kill David.

This narrative illustrates the catastrophic outcomes that often accompany the rejection of divine authority. It also proves that people are fallible and not capable of choosing a righteous king to rule over them, and that’s why it is incumbent upon mankind that God appoints the ruler, not the people.

The Consequences of Human Rebellion: Democracy Condemned Jesus Christ to Death

The New Testament provides yet another illustration of the rejection of divine authority through the story of Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ. The Roman governor Pilate, recognizing Jesus' innocence, sought to release him. However, the crowd, swayed by the chief priests and elders, chose to free Barabbas, a notorious criminal and murderer, instead of Jesus Christ, who was the promised Messiah for the Jews. 

The crowd’s choice, as narrated in Matthew 27:21-23 and Mark 15:9-11, demonstrates how human desires and mob rule can overshadow divine will.

"The governor again said to them, 'Which of the two do you want me to release for you?' And they said, 'Barabbas.' Pilate said to them, 'Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?' They all said, 'Let him be crucified!' And he said, 'Why, what evil has he done?' But they shouted all the more, 'Let him be crucified!'" - Matthew 27:21-23
"And he answered them, saying, 'Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?' For he perceived that it was out of envy that the chief priests had delivered him up. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead." - Mark 15:9-11

This decision to release Barabbas over Jesus is one of the earliest recorded instances of democracy, where the will of the people, driven by emotion and influenced by leaders, led to the triumph of injustice over justice. The crowd’s rejection of Jesus, who was anointed as their Messiah and King, and who came with an appointment by the will of prophet Isaiah, exemplifies the perils of choosing human governance over divine governance. Jesus was meant to rule as their king - that is what a “Messiah” is, an anointed ruler and king of God - but his campaign came to a halt, due to the betrayal of Jesus and the pharisees wanting to hold onto their power over the Jews and seeing themselves more worthy to rule.

Democracy: The Rule of the Mob vs. Divine Rule

To understand the ongoing rejection of divine authority, we must examine the philosophies that have shaped human governance. From ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Socrates to modern political theorists, there has been a long-standing debate about the merits and dangers of democracy. Plato, in his work "The Republic," depicted democracy as a precursor to tyranny, a system where passion overrides reason, and where the voice of the majority or “the mob”, can drown out the pursuit of truth and justice.

In their philosophical dialogues, Plato and Socrates warned about the dangers of a system where the desires of the many overshadow the truth. Socrates questioned whether the masses, driven by emotions and immediate desires, could truly discern what is best for society. Plato’s depiction of democracy as a breeding ground for tyranny echoes the biblical and Quranic narratives, where the majority often choose their path over divine guidance, leading to societal chaos and moral decay.

This idea is illustrated in the crowd’s choice of Barabbas over Jesus, a decision driven by mob mentality and influenced by leaders who rejected the divine truth. The ancient philosophers’ warnings about democracy resonate with the events of Jesus’ trial, where human desires and emotions led to the rejection of the divine will.

Jesus' teachings in the Gospels further highlight the narrow path of truth and divine guidance. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus states: 

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." 

This passage underscores the difficulty of following divine truth in a world dominated by human desires and mob rule. The path to righteousness and divine authority is often lonely and challenging, with only a few choosing to follow it.

"And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and indeed, they are not but falsifying." - Quran, 6:116

The Antichrist Rule of the Mob

The narratives of rebellion against divine authority, whether in religious texts or philosophical writings, echo a common warning; the dangers of choosing human governance over divine rule. In today’s world, democracy and individualism are often seen as ultimate ideals, but these systems can also reflect the spirit of rebellion against divine authority. The prophets warned of an "Antichrist system," where human governance overshadows divine decree, leading society away from the truth.

Ahmad al-Hassan, the promised Yamani from the Ahlul Bayt said:

“There are those who serve the Supremacy of God and those who serve the supremacy of the devil, and all those in between are nothing more than mute devils.”

In many ways, the rejection of divine authority can be seen as a manifestation of the Antichrist system — a system that opposes the supremacy of God and His appointed leaders. Today, we witness this in various forms, from political systems to cultural norms that prioritize human desires over divine commands. “Do what thou Wilt” are the infamous words uttered by the late satanist Aleister Crowley. This trend reflects the same spirit of rebellion seen in the stories of Satan, Saul, and the crucifixion of Jesus, where human desires took precedence over divine will.

Here, we must confront a challenging question: Are we, too, guilty of choosing the rule of man over the rule of God? Is democracy, as noble as it may seem, a veiled rejection of divine supremacy? 

These stories remind us that the consequences of rejecting divine authority are severe and far-reaching, often leading to chaos, tyranny, and moral decay. And moreover, if we participate in the election process of tyrants who then go out into the world and shed blood and corrupt the Earth, as the Angels questioned God about in the beginning, after the command was given to prostrate to Adam as the Caliph on Earth, then we too are guilty for the same crimes that they commit, because we were responsible in electing and putting those tyrants into power.

Today, the world stands at a crossroads. Across continents, humanity seeks leadership, guidance, truth and in truth - a world saviour. Yet, in this quest, have we forgotten the essence of divine supremacy? Do most people even know what “the Supremacy of Allah” means?

The scriptures remind us that it is not for man to choose his leader, but for God to appoint him. So, who among us today heeds this call?

In a world where religious leaders and political systems often prioritize human desires over divine commands, the call for the supremacy of Allah has become non-existent, and it was only mentioned on the tongues of the prophets and messengers in every time. 

It’s not only the political system today that are deceptive and hide this fact, but especially the religious leaders; from Popes to Sheikhs, who speak of peace, justice and equity, but how many truly advocate for the supremacy of Allah? 

The Rise of the Qaim 

In these End times, where prophecies converge and are fulfilled one after the other, one man emerges, proclaiming a message not heard in centuries. The Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdulah Hashem calls for a return to the true Supremacy of Allah, and he is the only man on the planet right now who is calling to it. He has raised the banner of "Allegiance is to Allah." 

This was a prophecy foretold by the Ahlul Bayt:

"Verily we, Ahlul Bayt have a banner, whoever goes ahead of it has renegaded, and whoever is late to it has perished, and whoever follows it has followed [us], it is written in it: 'Allegiance is to Allah!'" – 250 Signs, Page 15

This is a sign of the Mahdi, he stands as a reminder of divine authority and the need for the allegiance to God’s messenger and submission to God's Will. The Qaim’s emergence fulfills several prophecies, including his appearance after the prophesied death of King Abdullah of Hijaz and his call for allegiance to Allah. 

Prophet Muhammad guaranteed that after the death of King Abdullah, the Qaim would appear to the world.

“I am prepared to guarantee Imam al-Qaim to one who guarantees the death of Abdullah (King of Hijaz); because after the death of Abdullah, the Muslims will not have consensus on any one person and this matter will not end except with your Imam. If Allah wills, the kingdom running into years will end and the kingdom running into days and months will begin.” The narrator asked: “Would this matter be prolonged?” He replied: “Definitely not.” - Ghaybat Al-Tusi, Al-Shaikh Al-Tusi, Vol. 1, p. 467

And the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem appeared in 2015 after the death of King Abdullah of Hijaz, raising the banner “Allegiance is to Allah” at 32 years old and he also claimed that his name “Abdullah” is mentioned in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad. These are major proofs and fulfilling prophecies.

In the book Kitab Al- Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 193

“He appears in the image of a successful youth at the age of 32.” 

And this is how you identify the Mahdi, the Ahlul Bayt have called it “The Law of Knowing the Hujjah” which consists of three things: the Will, the Divine Knowledge, and the Banner “Allegiance is to Allah”. The Ahlul Bayt foretold that these three criteria can only gather in one man; their Qaim, the Hujjah of the time, the one who comes to establish the Divine Just State and who “will spread justice and equity throughout the Earth, as it was once filled with injustice and inequity.” 

No man on earth has come forward with these three criteria but the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem. No man appeared after the death of King Abdullah of Hijaz saying "I am the Qaim". 

No man came forward raising the banner of “Allegiance is to Allah”. No man has come forward saying “I am the Abdullah mentioned in the Will of the Prophet Muhammad."

No man has come forward with the extraordinary divine knowledge like that of Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem, in which none of the scholars of the Abrahamic religions have any response to.

And more importantly, Muhammad and the family of Muhammad promised that no man can claim this matter falsely, or his life will be cut short, and the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem has been calling to this matter for almost 10 years, since 2015. And now in 2024 - his dawah and movement is even stronger, where thousands of believers around the world have recognized these proofs and his rights and have pledged allegiance to the Qaim and support him today. 

And that is what God commanded of us as believers, as Adamites who wish to submit to the Caliph of Allah in this time:

"When the Mahdi appears, swear allegiance to him, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi."

What kind of God would allow thousands of sincere people looking for the truth to fall victim to a false claimant? 

What kind of God would permit His previous Messengers and Imams to prophesy that a man would come claiming the Will of Prophet Muhammad and raise a banner that says, “Allegiance is to Allah”? As believers in the Supremacy of Allah, when we identify this man through clear evidence and proof, are we expected to submit to him and pledge our allegiance, only to be misled by a false claimant? 

It’s just not possible. And remember, God does not misguide His sincere servants.

The End of the Antichrist System

The rise of the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem symbolizes a return to divine authority, challenging the satanic systems that have long governed this world. The Qaim’s message is clear: “Supremacy of Allah is allegiance to Allah”, by submitting to the Caliph and appointed ruler that Allah chooses.

Aba Al-Sadiq comes with the final covenant, the Seventh Covenant, and he calls for the restoration of the supremacy of Allah on Earth, in all aspects of life. More importantly, he is the messenger sent from Imam al-Mahdi to the Muslims and he is the messenger from Jesus to the Christians and he is the messenger from Elijah to the Jews. He is the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq, and he is here to take your pledges of allegiance to Imam Mahdi.

In a world divided by ideologies, the Qaim’s call for unity under the banner of "Allegiance to Allah" is a powerful reminder of the need for submission to divine authority. His message transcends religious and cultural boundaries, calling towards obedience to God alone and the rejection of the supremacy of Satan and his false kings and rulers who have usurped the throne of God. 

The Qaim’s emergence is a sign of hope and a call to action, urging humanity to recognize the supremacy of Allah and submit to His will and to help him establish the Divine Just State and the Kingdom of God on Earth, as it is in Heaven. 

The rise of the Qaim signals the end of the Antichrist system.

11 comentarios

22 oct 2024

My heart is calling toward your call aba sadiq

I watched the arrivals and that got me going in life

Peace be upon you aba sadiq Abdullah hashem

Forgive me for questioning your authority

Me gusta

09 oct 2024

All praise to the God. I love how your soul comes through. It's like I hear your voice while I'm reading brother Joseph. God bless you.

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29 sept 2024

Every era has its beginning and its end and thanks to Aba Sadiq fhip we learnt that Qiyamah really means the rise and it has relation to the Qaim, which means the Riser.

Wonderful article

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Haytham Kassem
Haytham Kassem
29 sept 2024

Amazing . Truly, the truth is right infront of our eyes! this religion is lively.

Me gusta

27 sept 2024

Salute to divine authority! Only God should rule!

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