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The Ultimate AROPL TikTok Q&A

Writer's picture: Ardijan DemirovicArdijan Demirovic

Updated: Jan 2

For the past couple of years, we have made our presence known on TikTok. We have been using the 'Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light' TikTok account to spread the faith through the Tiktok live stream function. However, we are often met with ridicule and mockery. And many of the questions we are asked are repetitive. To simplify some of the misunderstandings people have regarding us and our message, here are answers to the most frequently asked questions we have received on TikTok:

Are you guys a new religion?

Even though mainstream Muslims would not classify us as an islamic movement, and mainstream Christians would not consider us a brand of Christianity - we are not a new religion. Since Adam, God has sent messengers to mankind. The first one was Adam who was followed by many prophets all the way down to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. But God did not stop there. Mohammed had successors who continued to guide humanity all the way until today. This is why we are not upon a new religion, but rather upon a new covenant. We are a continuation of the religion of Islam, which is a continuation of Christianity and Judaism. 

Are you guys the Ahmadiyya?

No, we are not followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. The 'Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light' is named after the founder of the new covenant, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan, who we believe to be the first of the twelve Mahdis.

Can you show me the Mahdi?

If you would like to see the Mahdi, you are more than welcome to check 'The Mahdi Has Appeared' YouTube channel. You can see videos of the second Mahdi Aba Al-Sadiq talking about our faith and what we stand for.

How come the Mahdi is not with his army?

We are calling people to the truth peacefully. The Mahdi does not come out with an army ready to fight. This belief, that the Mahdi is accompanied by an army at the start, has been falsely spread among Muslims. Prophet Mohammed had a long period in which he gathered his followers. The Mahdi will not magically appear with an army, when he never before called the people.

Where is the Mahdi?

The Mahdi is presently in the UK, where the headquarters of the religion is located.

Why does the Mahdi use TikTok?

The believers utilize the technology and platforms of today's age to spread the message around the world. Instead of delivering messages and letters by horseback or camel, as was done in the times of the prophets and messengers, we have the opportunity to spread the message faster via social media platforms. Would the Mahdi not use any possible way to reach out to as many people as possible?

Why is the Mahdi in the UK?

The misconception is that the Mahdi rises from Saudi Arabia, but this is simply not true, and no narration supports this. Imam Al-Kathim was asked about the Mahdi: Where does he rise from, and where does he reside? He responded:

"The likes of he whom you ask about is like a pillar which fell from the heavens, its head is in the West, and its origin is in the East. So from where do you see the pillar stand if it is raised up?"
The man said: "From its head." 
Imam Al-Kathim said: "That is enough. From the West, he shall rise, and his origin is from the East. And it is there that his rise is established and his matter completed. And as such is the Mahdi: his upbringing in the East, then he migrates to the West, and he rises from there. In the East, his matter is completed."— Sharḥ al-Akhbār, Qadi Nu’man al-Maghribi, Vol. 3, p. 365

By origin, Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq is Egyptian, but he has risen from the Western nations.

Do your beanies give you superpowers?

No, the black hats we wear are a replacement for the turban, as its image has been defiled by the non-working scholars today who wear the clothing of religion. To learn more about the black hat, take a look at the video: Why Aba Al-Sadiq Wears A Black Hat 

Why doesn’t he do anything to help the Muslims if he is the Mahdi?

The Mahdi came for all of mankind, not just Muslims. He has presented a solution to the conflicts in the Middle East, but Muslims have chosen not to partake in it. You can watch the full video of the solution, recorded and aired before the conflicts began, here: The Mahdi Presents The Ultimate Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Another video addresses the reasons why Muslims are in their current state of disrepair: Why Doesn't God Save Palestine?

The Mahdi also presents a solution by building a divine community, in which people justly share in all things. 

Why doesn’t he speak Arabic?

He is able to speak Arabic. The reason he mainly speaks English is that most of the world’s population today speaks English. God does not send someone except that they speak the language of the people. The Mahdi is sent to the entire globe.

"And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise."— The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 14 (Ibrahim), Verse 4

What makes you all so special that you are with the Mahdi, while our scholars have said nothing regarding him?

God has blessed us to be his supporters, and God chooses whom He wills. In the Qur’an, people saw Noah and his followers as normal human beings, losers in society, low in status, and liars.

"So the eminent among those who disbelieved from his people said, 'We do not see you but as a man like ourselves, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us [and] at first suggestion. And we do not see in you over us any merit; rather, we think you are liars.'"— The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 11 (Hud), Verse 27

As for the scholars, the narrations are clear that they are evil and will not support the Mahdi when he appears.

The Twelve Imams said: "When Imam Mahdi emerges, he shall have no clearer enemy than the religious scholars. For that reason, he and the sword are brothers because if it were not for the sword, the religious scholars would have issued decrees that he be killed. But God makes him appear with the sword and with generosity and kindness so that they may obey him and fear him, and accept his judgment without believing in it, rather holding in their hearts the opposite of belief."— Yanabi’ Al-Mawadda Li-Dhawi L-Qurba, Sulayman b. Ibrahim Al-Qunduzi Al-Hanafi, Vol. 3, p. 215

Imam Al-Sadiq said: "If the Qaim rises, he suffers more than the Prophet of Allah did from the ignorant people of Jahiliya... The Prophet of Allah was sent to them while they were worshipping stones, rocks, sticks, and carved wood. Verily, our Qaim, if he rises, shall go to the people, and all of them will interpret the book of Allah against him and use it as proof against him."— Kitab Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 305

"If Imam Mahdi emerges, he has no clearer enemy than the jurisprudents, especially. If it were not for the sword in his hand, the scholars would issue fatwas to kill him."— Yanabi’ Al-Muwadda, Al-Qunduzi, Vol. 3, p. 215

The narrations make it very clear that the scholars will not be supporters of the Mahdi.

Why don’t your women wear hijab?

The Hijab is not obligatory. We believe it was a Sunnah during the time of Prophet Mohammed and that God never made it an obligation to begin with. In fact, the obligation to wear a headscarf is not mentioned even once in the Quran. The verses used to justify the obligation are merely interpretations of religious scholars. You can learn more about this topic here: Wearing Hijab (Headscarf) Is Not Obligatory! The Disturbing Origin Revealed.

Are you guys violent?

We do not believe in violence and we do not call to violence, we are a religion of peace and light and we do not promote anarchy or the breaking of laws. We believe that the Mahdi will spread justice and equity in this world after it has been filled with injustice and oppression in a peaceful manner.

Where and how can I meet the Mahdi?

You can meet the Mahdi and be a part of our call by pledging your allegiance to him today and migrating to him.

Contact us at, our doors are open.


Jan 09

This is really helpful, thank you 🙏


Jan 09

May God bless you, O Ansar Allah.


Dec 25, 2024

This was great. Thanks brother Ardijan!


Dec 24, 2024

Do beanies give you superpowers?! Sometimes the comments are just too hilarious 😁. God bless y'all's efforts on Tiktok

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