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Top 10 "Heretical Teachings" of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light

Writer's picture: Ailia MuhammadAilia Muhammad

Updated: Jan 27

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is the religion that is followed by followers of the Riser Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq. And like every religion that came under a ‘new covenant’ from God, this religion, too, was meant to be a new contract or deal that God was to sign with the believers in these apocalyptic End Times that we are living in.

But what does history show us about new covenants with God? If you’re a Bible reader, you’ll know that Jesus didn’t have it easy explaining to the Children of Israel that he was sent by God to establish the new covenant. Though easy to digest in retrospect, scripture tells us how hard it was for the people to accept that the familiar religion from their ancestor Moses was being, in a way, updated. Times have to change, and prophecy had been warning the Children of Israel that a new covenant had to come. Out with the old, and in with the new.

AROPL believers reading the Goal of the Wise
AROPL believers reading the Goal of the Wise

Yet, despite being in anticipation for a change, the unfamiliar was not warmly welcomed by the nation that Jesus had come to preach to. Slight understatement there: it was his preaching the new message he had brought to the people that led them to rejecting him, and eventually having him arrested.

It’s a human need: we need change. It’s part of surviving in a quickly developing world.

God is meant to be infinite steps ahead of us, and indeed He is. In His wisdom, He had ordained that in this era, too, there be a messenger from Him who rolls out the red carpet for a new covenant: a better way for the people of today.

Narrations from the Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq, a successor of Prophet Mohammad, tell us exactly that:

"If the Riser rises he shall call the people to a new Islam and he shall guide them to a matter that was lost and which the people strayed from. Verily, the Riser was called a Mahdi [a Guide] because he guides to a matter which was lost, and he was called a Riser because he rises with the truth." (Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 51, p. 30)

New Islam? That’s a revolutionary term. It’s enough to turn the world upside down…and it did.

2021 - today, since the release of the gospel The Goal of The Wise, a global phenomenon has swept the masses. It was that this new covenant, this ‘new Islam’ had now been penned down, and Islamic-centric, government officials, as well as supposed, self-appointed custodians of the usurped religion of Prophet Mohammed were infuriated. Truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, and they were unsettled. They retaliated to these new ideas. And members of the faith were made victims due to being, quite simply, believers. Yes, we do live in a 1984 dystopia sometimes, and if you’re living in a country where the government claims to be ‘Islamic’ by their own made-up definition, you’d better do what you’re told. And that includes believing what they tell you to believe.

So what was it that they were so offended by from The Goal of The Wise? We’ve read it, and we put together what we thought are the top ten ‘heretical’ teachings found in this gospel that so-called ‘Muslim’ governments simply cannot tolerate you believing in:

10. A Misunderstood Star

AROPL logo displaying the Star of David
AROPL logo displaying the Star of David, the symbol of the Seventh Covenant

We get it - misunderstandings happen all the time. But this one is a really big one, because it actually has to do with a man all the Abrahamic faiths agree was a prophet of God: David. Or, as he’s known in Islam, Dawud. 

David had a star, and it’s the six-pointed hexagon made out of two intersecting triangles. This star has been adopted by the believers of this Call as a symbol of the Seventh Covenant, a covenant that transcends the physical and connects us with the spiritual, or the soul. An intersection of two realities, the promise of God to His people, that has finally arrived.

We know from the teachings of the Riser Aba Al-Sadiq that Imam Mahdi inherits from the prophets and messengers, and this star, too, is part of that inheritance.

It’s a beautiful symbol. A beautiful concept.

Not everyone shares that idea. While some Muslims take great issue with the fact that this star is, as they call it, ‘Jewish’...others claim that it is Satanic.

Is the star Jewish? Well, David was a prophet whose people were Jewish, but he is also considered a prophet by the Christians, as well as the Muslims. His star too, therefore, shouldn’t be stigmatized. And this star should definitely never be seen as ‘Zionist’. It is a symbol from the symbols of God that originally belonged to the people of God. 

As for calling it Satanic…does it even need a response? The accusation is baseless. Calling a symbol of a prophet of God Satanic is blasphemy in itself.

There are even old Islamic artefacts and architecture that depict the star of David in their design.

In conclusion: It’s the symbol of the Seventh Covenant and a star. Not grounds to persecute people.

9. Prayer Timings - 24/7

Last time God sent an official covenant, according to scripture, it was during the time of Prophet Mohammed. During his covenant, a certain form of disciplinary prayer was made obligatory on the people. They had to gather and pray a certain number of times a day, in a certain way, with specific recitations. It was very ritualistic and structured.

Muslims observing the traditional daily prayers

Why? Because it was necessary. 

This five-prayers-a-day ritual is seen today as a clear and inseparable part of Islamic identity.


Now, as Prophet Mohammed and his family had prophesied, a ‘new Islam’ is being unravelled. And prayer, today, is meant to be exactly that - praying to God. Speaking to Him from the heart. Is there a specific timing? No. In fact, it should be all the time. We should always be as connected to the divine as we can in our hearts. 

Aba Al-Sadiq records a conversation between himself and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan in the Goal of The Wise about prayer. The Imam is noted as mentioning how this is actually how ‘prayer’ always was, for the prophets of old, and that the disciplinary form of ritualistic praying was imposed for a certain time, due to the state of the people.

Lifting that imposition is a good sign. It means that God is expecting us to be able to reach Him as adults who know how to reach Him, without having that chain of time and structure on our necks. And yet, while this is clearly an update to the system, Muslim extremist governments and hard-headed scholars are highly offended by this idea, considering it grounds for arrests, beatings, and even imprisonment of the members of this religion.

In conclusion: Prayer to God should be a sincere conversation from the heart. It’s no longer a ritualistic mandatory act but a relationship.

8. Hijab not mandated - Truth unveiled

The hijab has become a very triggering idea in the modern-day era. With bans against the choice to wear the hijab being imposed in some countries, like France, to extremist governments like Iran and Afghanistan beating women to an inch of their lives (and in some cases, actually killing them) for not wearing it ‘correctly’.

Traditional Islamic headscarf

The head-covering for women went from being a religious garment to becoming a religious symbol, to becoming a political weapon. 

Is this what the hijab was, authentically, from the beginning of the message of Mohammed?

It turns out, no. Aba Al-Sadiq has made it abundantly clear, with all the facts and evidence needed, that the hijab is not a part of this new covenant- and in fact, was never a part of any of God’s covenants with His people. Covering the hair was never a commandment from Him, and doesn’t even get a mention in the Holy Quran as necessary.

A fascinating fact, and one clumsily thrown aside by scholars of religion who have no real argument against the concrete evidence. It’s an unfortunate reality, but female members of the faith, especially in countries like Iran and Afghanistan, were severely punished by authorities for holding these ideals. From being tied down and force-fed antipsychotic drugs, to imprisonment in inhumane conditions. All for saying that God never said we have to hide our hair. Why is that blasphemous?

In conclusion: The head-scarf is a wardrobe choice. You can choose to wear it or not. It should be a woman’s decision, not the government’s.

7. Fasting in the Winter - Feeling the Ramadan Spirit 

This one is a fascinating ‘heresy’: Did you know that Muslims today observe a lunar calendar? They are led to believe that Prophet Mohammed established a lunar calendar, but he actually never did. A quick search will show you that he never established a lunar calendar, and always followed a solar calendar.

Why is this important? Well, because it means that the months were always stable, in place. They never shifted, unlike the months of a lunar calendar. This is why the lunar and solar calendars have months that cannot be in sync. According to the solar calendar, the months are fixed in place. This means that Ramadan, a very important month in the Islamic calendar, is also always fixed. And it is fixed to be in December of every year.

Muslim Ramadan

This is seen as a huge issue to some Islamic-minded governments. Why? Because it means that when they, in their countries, think it is Ramadan according to a lunar calendar that is not authentically vouched for by the Prophet, they see it as against the law to eat or drink in public areas. There are repercussions for doing so - not to mention the extreme and hostile reactions of the Muslim citizens of that state. Many times there have been cases of assault on someone having a sip of water on a day they deem to be the day of fasting.

In conclusion: The calendar was always solar, so Ramadan is a fixed month, and always takes place in December.

6. Alcohol is permissible - again.

It wasn’t always considered forbidden. Prophet Mohammed ordained that it be made completely prohibited after the nation repetitively displayed uncourteous and antisocial behaviour under the influence. It was a society without law, without structure. He had come to rectify their way of life, and a constant state of intoxication is hardly beneficial to that goal.

He, in his wisdom, laid down the law that alcohol was forbidden - while also promising rivers of wine in paradise.

A glass of red wine

Wine isn’t a new thing in God’s covenant. Jesus was seen turning water into wine, and Noah had a vineyard that he would grow grapes in, to make into wine. The world was brought to its knees in 2019-2020 with Covid-19, and all over the globe, people were feverishly scrubbing their skin with alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Non-Muslims and Muslims.

Alcohol is a purifier. It has its benefits, and can be abused if used wrongly. God, in this new covenant, has ordained that it is now permissible to drink again, if used responsibly. In fact, in the Goal of The Wise, Aba Al-Sadiq points out how Imams from the lineage of Prophet Mohammed referred to wine as ‘Abd Al-Noor’ - which translates to ‘The servant of light’. Wine is meant to hold within it light, just as the fruit it is made from does, and this light is spiritually meant to be of great benefit to the believers.

As can be imagined, Muslims are highly offended by this notion. Ironically they deem it impure - (have they read the ingredients in their hand sanitizers and perfumes?) 

Is it a new idea to them? Of course it is, and well-warranted is the shock at the forbidden becoming allowed. But that’s the idea of a ‘new Islam’ - it won’t look like the old one.

In conclusion: Raising a glass together is fine…in moderation.

5. The Holy Quran - Review and update required

Yes, that is the unfortunate reality. The Holy Quran, while a book with God’s revelation in it, is not 100% clear of corruption. This perspective is held not only by believers in the Call of Aba Al-Sadiq, it is also clearly documented in historical records as part of Islamic history. These records are available to the public, and referenced in the Goal of The Wise.

Muslim man reads the Quran

However, while the evidence comes from Islamic sources, Islamic governments took great offence to this idea and decided to retaliate by confronting members of the faith in countries such as Algeria, Morocco, and Iraq with hostility and violence. 

In conclusion: Books get changed all the time. The Quran is no different. The real message of the Quran is with the man who God sends as a messenger.

4. The Holy Kaaba - Wrong location

Alarming, but true - historically, there is no concrete evidence of the Holy Kaaba being in Saudi Arabia! It simply doesn’t match any of the markers that are mentioned to be part of the area where the kaaba is meant to be - both from records and by the description mentioned in the Holy Quran. 

Petra, Jordan, the true location of the Kaaba

The Kaaba is not in Saudi Arabia. It is mentioned in the Goal of the Wise by Aba Al-Sadiq as being in another place - Petra, Jordan.

Now, you can imagine the outcry this would lead to. The accusations of blasphemy, blasphemy. And my goodness, all those tourist fees made by millions of Muslims around the world to the Saudi government. What a terrible loss that would be if people actually stopped to analyse where exactly it is they are meant to be going for their annual ritual pilgrimage to God. No wonder these governments get so riled up.

Hajj or the annual pilgrimage is meant to be a spiritual cleansing. One is meant to go and rid the self of all worldly concepts. Total asceticism.

But the Saudi government has established a vacation site fit to compete with the likes of Disneyland. And it’s meant to be the house of God.

Well, according to evidence, it’s not. The Kaaba was never originally in Saudi Arabia anyway. 

In conclusion: The Holy Kaaba is not in Saudi Arabia. Sorry MBS. It’s historically inaccurate and factually flawed.

3. Not the Gospel Truth?

It’s like a game of Chinese whispers. Generations have been passing on the message of a religion that started thousands of years ago. Of course it will not be the true, authentic message. Dynasties with power trips and political agendas have surfed over this religion since its inception, just as all religions undergo. And men with ulterior motives twisted the narrative as much as they could. 

The Goal of the Wise

So it shouldn’t be such a shock that The Goal of The Wise asserts that 99% of all religions are corrupt when compared to their original state - and that includes Islam. After all, Islam is split into multiple sects, each a religion unto its own self.

But did you know that Islamic-centric countries in the middle east have laws against even suggesting this? It is considered heresy to state the obvious - that Islam in 99% corrupted from its original form.

Trust us, we know. Members of the faith have been subjected to cruel punishments as well as had their basic human rights ripped away, forcing NGOs like Amnesty International and HRWF to become involved and make statements, demanding their humane treatment and release from unjust imprisonment.

In conclusion: Yes, Islam is 99% different to how it was when it was first revealed by Prophet Mohammed.

2. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

This religion and the teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq whole-heartedly reject the obedience to self-appointed scholarly men that have not been chosen by God to rule over the people.

They are what Jesus once called ‘false prophets - wolves in sheep’s clothing’. Men who look the part, with a robe and a turban, but were never licensed to be doctor’s of the human condition. Yet they deem themselves to be authorities that can decide the lawful and the unlawful, as though they are the owners of the keys to the kingdom of the heavens and the earth…assuredly they are not.

Khomeini and Ali Khamenei at 1970's

Interestingly, the structure of Islam today unfortunately grants these deviant impostors their seats and positions of power, without requiring that their licence be checked. Were they authorised by God? Clearly, not. The likes of Khomaini and his rule in Iran are a classic example of how men abuse the name of God and use it as a step up onto a throne that was too high and never built for them.

Speaking out against the tyrannical rule of these self-appointed so-called men of God is considered, once again, ‘blasphemy - and by these very same individuals, how shocking.

In conclusion: We reject obeying false masters. God gave us minds to think with and we don’t need to submit to men who aren’t His vicegerents.

1. Tolerance for all - God’s doors are open to everyone

Finally, this has to be the most triggering red flag for the extremist Islamic-centric governments of the Middle East that sought to arrest, abuse and persecute our members. Our gospel The Goal of The Wise is a humane book. In it, Aba Al-Sadiq preaches that God rejects nobody - that all are welcome into his fold, regardless of race, skin colour…or sexual orientation. And this in itself was enough to not only have our members persecuted, but even driven out of their countries. The Malaysian government took great offence to this notion, and started campaigns against our members and this Call, forcing them to flee the country, while thousands remain in the country till this day under hidden identities.

The idea that we are considered ‘heretical’ because we do not condemn, or reject, or hate people due to their sexual orientation or gender expression, this is in and of itself so bizarre and disturbing that it’s no wonder that a new covenant was required for this day and age.

In conclusion: Hating people due to their race, skin colour or sexual orientation is inhumane, and there’s no more room in this world for that kind of thinking. There’s a new covenant and God’s doors are open to all.

Now I ask you to sit back and think with me. They say that when a crime takes place, you should look to who benefits the most, in order to find the perpetrator.

So I guess, with all this chaos, this disarray in the state of the Muslim nations, this global crime that is taking place where Muslims are suffering in their own lands, sleeping on the streets, unable to feed their children, and fleeing to countries in the West for refuge…we should look at this ‘scene of the crime’ and ask ourselves, who is benefitting from controlling the narrative here? Who benefits most from propagating this idea that Islam condemns looking for the truth, looking for evidence, and, above all, looking for the messenger of our time that is appointed by God?

Clearly, the Muslim citizens themselves are not benefiting from this. It looks like the two beneficiaries are the ones standing at the top of the pyramid, hand-in-hand: it’s the extremist governments, and their enforcers, the non-working scholars.

So I suppose, looking at the crime against humanity taking place in that part of the world, the real question becomes: who are the true heretics around here?


Nov 28, 2024

lo escrito en estos diez puntos es la verdad, gracias Aba AL -Sadiq por llevarnos a conocer la verdad


The Seeker
The Seeker
Nov 09, 2024

This was a great read


Nov 02, 2024

This was an excellent and very comprehensive read.


Sep 20, 2024

The new covenant is actually bringing freedom to the people and eradicating tough laws that make it difficult for people to live in peace and harmony. - so why is it deemed heretical when it opens doorways to a better humane life for all people of all backgrounds and creeds?


Sep 17, 2024

Thank you for this article

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