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Unconfirmed Reports of the Execution of Two Believers in Afghanistan

Writer's picture: Caroline HoerenCaroline Hoeren

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

KABUL, Afghanistan — Unconfirmed reports have surfaced regarding the execution of two members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The reports claim that a group of sixteen Ansar were arrested by Taliban forces while distributing printed copies of The Mahdi’s Manifesto, authored by Aba Al-Sadiq.

One of the detainees was reportedly released after denying any knowledge of the faith. However, the individual was severely beaten, resulting in broken teeth, and was warned that if he were found associating with the movement again, the Taliban would cut him into pieces and set his home and family on fire. Thirteen of the believers remain in custody.

According to sources, two believers stood firm in their faith, reciting their declaration of faith before the Taliban, and were executed by public beheading. While these reports remain unverified, the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light has received testimony and images of one beaten believer’s body. For security reasons, the names and identities of those involved are being withheld.

This marks the first reported execution of AROPL believers, though Ansar around the world have faced imprisonment and torture for their faith.

The Taliban, known for its harsh enforcement of a strict interpretation of Islamic law, has a history of persecuting those it considers heretical. Under their rule, acts deemed as blasphemy or deviation from their interpretation of Islam are often met with extreme punishments, including public executions. Religious minorities, especially those perceived as deviating from orthodox Sunni beliefs, frequently face the death penalty or severe corporal punishment for perceived heresy.


Nov 02, 2024

I don't understand these taliban. I believe that they are evil.


Oct 30, 2024

nothing will be unjudged!


Oct 23, 2024

Regarding the threats against one of the offended individuals, did you know that collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Convention?


Oct 22, 2024

Nur Gott und sein Gesandter kennen die wahre Tragweite dieser unmenschlichen und teuflischen Handlung. Gott ist gerecht und Gott richtet.


Oct 18, 2024

May god curse the taliban

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